It's Only a Matter of Time
I fought with myself about whether or not to write this. I have to be very careful how I word it. That being said, here we go.Seldon and Eric Ledford. The "dynamic duo" taking the Meadowlands by storm. Let's view some statistics.
Eric Ledford (Driving):
Starts Wins Place Show Win% UDRS
169 34 26 14 20 .314
Seldon Ledford (Training)
Starts Wins Place Show Win% UDRS
68 23 10 8 34 .459
The above line troubles me. What trainer wins at a 34% clip. None a trainer has never finished a season with a 34% winning clip. Moreoever, Seldon Ledford is winning with horses who on paper appear dead lame (i.e. VodkaOnTheRocks, Mighty Mite Morgan). Furthermore, Ledford's win percentage from the detention barn is a bleak 2/12. I am not accusing Seldon Ledford of anything but I am very suspicious of these numbers, as anyone should be. And a UDRS of .459 is needless to say wow. I hope this is just a hot streak and he cools down to normal levels, if not, people will start asking questions, and Seldon, it's only a matter of time.
I just read your insightful comments on Seldon Ledford's suspicious success at the Meadowlands. How prophetic! We now stand two months later and your words have rung true. I'm very interested to see the outcome of the investigation, but early published reports (including the arrest of son Eric, ans assistant trainer, and vets) look to paint another blight on the sport.
I guess you had to spend many nights lying awake to figure that out.. You are a true genius...
What will your next great insight be, Brian Sears will win the M1 driving title??
Nice job stating the obvious...
ledfords get off with less than slap on wrist
that is why this sport cannot attract new kids who would rather play nintendo or hold em poker
wvery year a new fixer appears
new jersey ..
home of the most harness racing cheats.. who get off easy
what next . we give walter case his license back in NJ
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